Sunday, June 26, 2016

What does God say about ghosts?

This came up while playing Minecraft with friends. In the chat, my two friends brought up that they were alone, scared, and thought there was a ghost. I immediately responded that there is no such thing as ghosts which brought everyone else on saying yes there is, I have a friend who can see and talk to them, and I could talk to them when I was younger.... Then one of my friends who was alone wanted to call me. We talked and after a few times of me saying there is no such thing as ghosts, I looked it up. I got the perspective of God on ghosts. It said " if there are ghosts, they aren't the disembodied spirits of deceased human beings. The Bible teaches very clearly that there are indeed spirit beings who can connect with and appear in our world. They are identified as angels and demons." She then replied the Bible is lying! R u a Christian, I ask. She said yes, "then why do u say the bible is lying". "Bc it is" "no how can u say it's lying" "how do you know God wrote it" she replied. I wish I replied the words from here

But instead of me saying anything bc I didn't have the answer I said I had to go and left the call. My friends are nice people but they get lost and I still got to push them back on track if it is what God wants from me. ~Lorena❤️

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